Saturday, January 8, 2011

50 Projects Update: WTJ + Mess

Wreck This Journal & Mess: The Manual Of Accidents and Mistakes

I haven't gotten a chance to really dive into any of my craft projects yet. This week ended up being extremely busy with finishing up some projects at work as well as myself becoming sick towards the end of the week.

So when I did have some free time, I worked on my copies of Wreck This Journal and Mess.I quite enjoy having these books around, they are definitely a fun way to get creative and just get lost in something even if for only a few minutes at a time. They can definitely be good stress relievers as well, not to mention fun to look through.

Mess: Break The Rules Draw With Glue

I've also slowly been working on Keri Smith's 100 Ideas list. I need to get around to uploading the older photos and updating some of the newer things I've completed off of it.


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